I dunno. Today is a Sad Day (not for any good reason, just the brain has decided to feel bad today) and I said to myself “is hoping for a better world a naive thought? Is wishing for world peace as juvenile as ‘when I grow up I want to be president’?”
Because in the natural world, there’s conflict. Predators and prey. Things die so other things can live.
So is thinking that human beings are above that an arrogant thought? What makes us better than that? Is it our opposable thumbs and the ability to do math? Like oh, humans can do all this cool shit like farm crops and make roads and capture the sun’s energy and explore space. We carry around phone-sized computers that allow us to communicate with others all over the planet and we don’t give it a second thought! And yet when it comes down to it, we’re just these dumb creatures that stumbled upon the insight to make tools and use fire. Heck, we industrialized food production to the point where life and death is just part of the process. We cultivate life just to kill it and eat the leftovers. We’ve removed the need for hunting but have not removed the need for killing.
So when I see war and conflict, are we really better than that? Or is that exactly who we are?
Anyways good afternoon.
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